Thursday, April 16, 2015

PAY-YOURSELF-FIRST #1 step in Building Wealth!

Back to basic!
 The gate-pass to any investment is capital. In building your capital you should start  with saving.
As I wrote before to save is, income LESS saving before expenses. I know it sounds cliche' but repetition reminds us to instill this very basic step yet the foundation of building wealth . 

George Clason author of The Richest Man in Babylon stated "A part of I earn is mine to keep".  
You should pay attention first of your needs before anything or anyone else.

 If you learn to set aside for example 2,000 pesos every payday, 
for the whole year, you'll able to save 24,000 pesos.
 This savings you'll use now to build your emergency fund as the pre-requisite before you start investing.
 Emergency fund that saves you from getting into debt and pulling-out your investment early under circumstances. 
 At the end of the year, if you'll receive your bonus, you  can divide it in two parts.
 You can splurge the half and then save the other half as fund for your initial investment. 

In stock market, for as low as 5,000 pesos you can now start your investment.
 After you achieve your first year in saving diligently,
 start again your saving routine for next year. 20 percent of your income are recommended percentage you should a lot for  paying-yourself .

As you develop this habit you'll never thought that you're savings grow slowly as well as your investment.
 It's not about how big you'll start, the important here is the discipline no matter how small it is. 
If you continuously practice it, you'll be able to make it.

Start now. If you're looking forward to invest,
Save! Pay Yourself First!

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