Monday, November 30, 2015

6 Disciplines I Mastered in Personal Finance Management

      As I understand Financial Literacy my old financial being enlightened. I used to practiced its values though it took an ounce of an extra push. I learned to master 6 disciplines in my Finances.

I'm sharing you my personal experiences.

1. Self Control

  •  Its typical for a first timer OFW to lure into luxury. Knowing you're capable of spending since higher salary equates to a higher expenses. Setting priorities saved me from  "keeping-up with the jonesses". I always reminded of my goals and aligned my lifestyle accordingly.

2. Budget Oriented

  • One week before pay day, I prepared my budget list. I live within my means and allocate certain amount for my simple pleasure. And it became part of my monthly routine. Right now even if I don't have my list, it won't bother me anyway since I'm familiar with my expenses.

3. Delayed Gratification

  •  Its the ability to resist the temptation for an immediate reward and wait for a later reward. As I managed to control my impulsiveness and effortlessly taking my monthly budget, I practiced the art of Delayed Gratification. Though I'm itching to purchase latest gadgets, I  preferred to procrastinate. I planned on how will I get it without compromising my budget. I'm glad to share you the reward of my delayed gratification. I bought it after 2 and a half years here in Saudi.

       ( Bought November 11, 2015)

4. Saver

  • As I practiced proper allocation of my salary.   I became a mighty saver, lols! Every payday, I follow the right formula in saving. Income less Savings = Expenses. I always pay myself first. Month after month, my savings increases. 

5. Debt Oriented

  • During my early years here in Saudi, there were times that I borrowed money from my colleagues. Since I took the responsibility of sending my brother to college. But that challenged me, I reminded myself to settle it as soon as I received my salary. Now, I'm humbled from a borrower I turned  myself to a lender. 

6.  Investor

  • I'm still on the learning process and searching phase, but I know as I started I made the best decision in my Financial Life. Guided with the right mindset of saving, I slowly build my investment fund. Now, I'm working on my paper asset. Looking forward to venture Entrepreneurship and praying for God's providence.

"You're net worth to the world is usually determined by what remains after your bad habits are subtracted from your good ones." -Benjamin Franklin-


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