Thursday, May 28, 2015

5 things life has thought living in the arab place of Saudi Arabia

                (photo taken at Al-Sooda Park, KSA)

        Is the glass half-filled or half-empty? This expression has for many years highlighted the tendency for two people to see the same situation indifferent ways.  Before I decided working here in Saudi Arabia I’ve heard a lots of negative impressions about its place,people and culture. Even my own family were hesitant to give their consent. True enough this place is not as safe like our home (Pinas) but for me I saw it as my green pasture. I see life and beautiful things behind the Arab place of Saudi Arabia. I’m sharing you my very own personal experiences what life has thought me while working in the kingdom.

1. Minimalism
          In my case, I have off once a week. Since I'm tired of long weekdays I chose to stay at home and take my whole day rest. I went on malling just to bought my groceries and some of personal stuffs. I get used to this kind of lifestyle, for some of you may find it boring but I embraced my minimalist life. During my off hour, I spend my time taking a nap, reading and listening financial ebooks and audio books, browsing internet (working-out my side hustle rakets like blogging, reselling Saudi gold jewelries & trading in the stock market). I always make sure that I make the most out of my time.

2. Frugality
       Most OFW’s as their income increases their lifestyle follows.They tend to "keep-up with the jonesses" just to show-off in their Facebook and Instagram post. There’s nothing wrong on doing it as long as it still compliment with our budget. This kind of mentality I work on with myself. I track my monthly budget. I prepare my meal from now and then instead of eating-out. I bought only branded stuff once in a while and when its on sale. I upgraded my phone only when it not serve its purpose. 
      One saving tip I will share to you, I usually wrote the date I started opening my personal stuff like lotion, shampoo, conditioner, coffee, creamer, laundry soap, etc. In this way I know my consumption for a month. I was able to identify which item I should add up or remove in my monthly listed groceries. I don’t know if it will work to you, but you can atleast try it.

3. Financially Literate
       This is the life changing  to became a financially literate.  Facing the reality living away from home, challenged me to make and keep-up with my finances.      During my free time in work I read financial related articles, blogs, e-books, or even watched you tube videos. Unconsciously, it I’m practicing it's value and eventually became a habit to me. I even subscribed to Truly Rich Club of Bo Sanchez to deepen my financial knowledge. I know this will be my advantage while having an opportunity to work abroad and earning decent salary.
4. Saver and Investor
     Honestly, I never knew before the proper way of saving. As I was reading financial related books, I learned that to SAVE is you should  less it before your income. I'm so proud I did grow my savings while sending brother to school(College). It’s tough decision at first but believe me, it paid off. Having a decent savings  and separated funds for emergency, give me a chance to start my investment. I want to maximize everything that its possible to make something out of my salary. I'm planning to venture Entrepreneurship soon and right now, I'm on the process of due diligence. I continuously reminding myself that there’s no such thing as stability in working abroad. And I’m looking forward, one day this work will not be my means of living.

5. Submissive to Divine Will
   As I said, it's not been easy working alone and away from your loved ones. Only faith is my hiding place whenever I felt down and helpless. I love the song of Ms. Jaci Velasquez, Imagine me without You. I can't imagine my life without Him. Living in an Arab country never cease me to praise and worship God, instead I'd been more faithful and less worldly woman.

 I'm sharing you my story to hopefully inspire you. Our positive perspective will dictate our life to see the abundance of God's grace.
 I see my glass as half-filled!


Unknown said...

Nice article! I can relate to this. During my first abroad, I also have my one day off and I would rather preferred to stay at our accomadation than going out for some "lakwatsa mode" to save time, money and energy. And now that I got the chance of experiencing double offs, I still have the same principle... to save time, money and energy wherein saving, budgeting and investing come in also at the same time. I know how it feels of being an OFW and our hard earned money should be used in the right and not in a luxurious way. And I believe also that whatever we do in life, we have to do it all for the glory to God.

Pitong Kabalyero said...

Kahit hindi ko na intindihan yung iba dahil "English" ay ang importante naunawaha ko rin yung karamihan😊

Anonymous said...

Thank you for inspirational article...ramdam ko yan kc nsa abroad din ako

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