Friday, April 24, 2015

Pay the Price of Learning.. Avoid Free Lunch!

Before I began my journey as an OFW, like many I was once no idea about proper money handling. I don't know how to save nor invest. All I knew was to spend. Before the paycheck come I have a list on what to spend with my salary. I know every month I will receive my salary, so I don't bother to save nor  make my monthly budget. 

When I started working here in the Middle East, I had my rough start. I thought all is well but reality reveals it, ironically. 

I paid for my Placement fee to my Agency before I leave the country knowing that everything is settled.  But then when I arrived in my work place we were told to pay for processing of our visa and IKAMA (residence permit) which will be deducted to my salary. And it's not just a small amount. I and my co-worker were not informed about it and that was not written in my contract. I just cried  because I'm thinking that  how can I send money if I'll be receiving a salary just enough for myself?
I'm having hard time dealing it during my first 6 six months. I prayed and asked God for guidance to help me get through this kind of dilemma. After my work I watched you tube videos about finances and then I saw one of  Bo Sanchez Power Talk about money. I was enlightened about what I'm having through. Despite of my negative situation I learn to embrace my life and live positively.

I subscribed to Bo Sanchez Truly Rich Club, I learned many things about growing my Spiritual Life. I make-up with my expenses. And before 2013 ends I settled deduction that burdens me. 

I'm about to finish my first contract this June but I chose to renew. What change in my life now is, I learn how to live simply. I grow my savings and learn how to invest it. I was able to help send my sibling to school. And it was so fulfilling that I overcome such trials in my life.

Spiritual Guidance and Financial Education are the key to help me get through those negative situations and I'm so happy that it turns into a wonderful blessing. I change a lot and become a responsible woman.  

 Sometimes, we have to pay the price of learning something new in our lives. It may cost a little but it's returns are far greater than what we paid.

Know more about  Bo Sanchez Truly Rich Club here.

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