Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Economical Tips in Managing Fever at Home

FEVER is a sign that there’s something wrong in our body. It's a sudden increase of temperature from its normal state of 36.5–37.5 °C (97.7–99). It’s a defense mechanism of our immune system to fight any invasion of certain microorganism or type of infection in our body. Having fever, doesn't mean that you have to rush the soonest in your nearest hospital. It’s a self-limiting case, so it means it can be aided at home.

Here are 5 Techniques of Managing Fever at home

1. Drinking Plenty of Water

It sounds so simple, yet it’s very helpful. Fever drains fluids in our body. Water replenishes what loss in our body. It normalize our body temperature by helping us to urinate more, and releases some heat. The required fluid intake a day is by drinking 8 glasses of water. For those who have fever, 10-15 glasses a day will help a lot.

2. Cold Compression

It is lowering of body temperature using cold water and small towel. In performing cold compression, first, you will use small towel and soak it to the cold water in a basin. Second, you will wipe it to the forehead, neck, underarm, and under knee. Third, you will soak it again in a basin and repeat it twice or thrice and then after, you will  leave it to the forehead for 10-15 minutes. Repeat all the procedures until you check in your thermometer that the temperature lowers down and back to its normal state.

3. Taking a bath

Many have misconception about taking a bath with fever. Their belief is, it’s a  no, no for them to do it while feverish, thinking that it will worsen his/her condition. But in medical field, it’s a must, especially to those experiencing convulsion. It’s an immediate action that should be taken in that case. And believe it or not it’s effective and recommended by doctors.

4. Using Fever Cold Patch

Now a days, people are getting more convenient of new products for fever reduction. One of it is using Fever Cold Patch. It is a rectangular shape, with cold gel inside. You can have it in your first aid kit and available as an over-the-counter item in the pharmacy. Using it, gives you little effort in managing fever, just put it in the forehead and leave it until it removes on its own. And then after, you can check the temperature right away.

5. Taking Analgesic.

Analgesic is an over-the-counter drug that is use in lowering fever. It is important that you have this in your first-aid kit not only for adult but also for child. You can buy this in pharmacy anytime, and keep this for emergencies like fever.  One of example of this drug is paracetamol. This is the common use analgesic in fever. It takes effect after half an hour after its intake.

Knowing this basic fever reduction technique helps you to avoid worsening of your condition. But if your condition persists, consulting a doctor is still the best thing to do.

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